People when looking at the mirror only concentrate on facial appearance and add some ingredients to their face to make it look bright. On such instances, have you ever thought of having a glance at your necks or have you ever thought of missing to notice something? Many people fail to do this and if you stand in front of the mirror, make sure that you notice the color difference between your face and the neck region. Usually, your neck seems to look dull when compared to your face. Have you ever thought what is the ultimate reason behind this phenomenon and solution for get rid of dark neck?
The ultimate reason behind the darkening of the skin in the neck region is due to various external factors and the dirt also remains there in that region which automatically results in fading out of complexion. You may not find it uneasy or disturbing your look at times, but there are people who closely have a look at your complete face and neck regions while conversations face to face. While there are many remedies available to accomplish the skin to become normal in complexion, why do you want to stay alike for no reason? Let’s have a discussion on “How to get rid of Dark Neck”, in our article.
Remedies to get rid of Dark Neck:
There are several cosmetic products which are available in the market which can be used to cure the problem. But here we have a compilation of some of the natural remedies which can help you in a better way without any side effects or causing other problems to get rid of dark neck. Some of them are,
Cleanse Your Neck Skin Frequently:
Make sure that you cleanse your neck skin whenever you wash your face. If left uncleaned, then there are high possibilities that the brightness of the skin becomes dark in colour. You can opt for the services of fresh milk to apply over the neck area for cleansing purposes since milk is said to have enormous skin toning properties. Also, you can use the scrub to brush the dirt and the other unwanted compounds in the neck skin and then you can wash your neck with water. Also, another way is to apply olive oil mixed with sugar and be applied over the neck region as olive oil are very much capable of removing the unwanted particles of the skin.
Lemon Bleach:
Lemon Bleach can be done to the individual who has just faced the problem of change in the complexion of the neck skin and they can be very much resourceful due to the presence of citric acid in the lemon juice. The lemon bleach can be done in two main ways. In the first procedure is to add lemon juice and rose water in equal proportions and store it in a container. Now you can daily apply the solution over the neck region before going to bed and can dissolve it the next morning. This acts very powerfully on the skin and makes the skin to glow. The second procedure is to mix turmeric powder with lemon and form a paste of it. This paste can be applied over the infected region for better prospects. These two techniques can be done regularly to make sure that you get rid of your dark skin very quickly.
Oats have the capability to closely bind the layers beneath the skin and can produce glowing effects on the skin. You can either use oats as a mask or you can make a paste with the help of other ingredients and help the skin layer to exfoliate. The reason to use oats as a powerful remedy to this problem is because they are capable of cleansing and moisturizing the skin layers. The procedure to prepare the remedy can be done by initially grinding the oats to make it a fine powder and add few quantities of tomato pulp and some natural moisturizing cream along with water. Now you can apply this solution over your neck region for about 30 minutes and then you can wash it off which also removes the dead cells of the skin. Repeat this procedure for a few weeks to see better prospects and get rid of dark neck.
Baking Soda:
The baking soda is also an exfoliating agent which can be widely used for the problem. They are very much capable of removing the dead skin layers from the body and they are also capable of providing smoothness to the skin layers. You can mix a teaspoon of baking soda to a glass of water and can directly apply it over the neck region. This will act swiftly to remove the unwanted particles of the skin and makes the skin soft.
Cucumber can be very well used to pacify the skin and also to brighten the layers of the skin. You can extract the juice from cucumber and combine it with equal proportions of rose water and apply it over the neck region using a cotton swab and allow the mixture to act on the neck region for about 20 to 25 minutes and then wash the solution with normal water. This can be done very frequently to remove the dark spots and the darkening of the skin. Follow more post from my blog such as the health benefits of green tea.
Yogurt can be mixed with turmeric powder or lime juice and be applied to the neck region to remove the dead skin layers and exfoliate the skin. This mixture should be kept unwashed at least for 15 to 20 minutes every day to see better results in quick time. Also, you may utilize the fresh cream as a combination for yogurt to benefit the same and you can get rid of dark neck.
Potato Juice:
Potato juice also has the capabilities to remove the unwanted layers of the skin and also proves to be very effective in maintaining the skin tone. The potato juice can be mixed with equal proportions of lime juice and be applied over the neck region for half an hour. This ingredients of the potato penetrate through the pores of the skin and help to remove the unwanted effluents of the skin. Hence this remedy is considered to be more beneficial and effective considering many factors.